2015: Refurbished

JXDNG is back and refurbished for the new year. It's been awhile since I've written here but having completed year 12, I now have more time to actually post my reviews. I've basically made this one of my challenge for 2015,to stay organised, motivated and dedicated and continue with this blog.

I've decided to take a more lifestyle approach to this blog. Of course the main focus will be cafes restaurants, bars and everything in between but there'll be some post (such as this very one) where I'll just wave a personal hello and share some thoughts on some of Melbourne's special events.  

As you can see, there is easier navigation on my blog to help you find exactly what you're looking for and hopefully you do find what it is that you're looking for. 

There is so much I want to say, I haven't posted since August and there's so many cafes and restaurants I haven't written about. My mind's about to explode from all the wonders I want to share but we'll take this slowly shall we? If you haven't noticed already, I try to keep most of my reviews positive but not to the point where it is all fake encouragement. It's more in a sense that if a cafe has a downfall, I'll try to find something else to compliment such as their service or maybe their exotic menu or even just the fact that their plates were really cool. I have found some pretty amazing cafes though so I really can't wait to have them all up for you. 

On a more personal note, if you navigate onto my blog, you'll see that JXDNG has also turned the corner to the world photography. I've been with a camera in hand for three years now and like this blog, stopped for a bit. So there's my other personal commitment alongside this blog, hopefully y'all can follow me through the year with both of these goals. 

Anyway that's all for now, I seriously can't believe the first month is done and dusted. Lets hope the next few months treat us all with love now. 


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